
Salary and welfare

Basic salary
    Refers to the basic salary (post/posture salary) that the company sends to employees each month. This part of the salary is not affected by the company's monthly operating conditions, and is only linked to the employee's monthly attendance.

文山县| 老河口市| 扎赉特旗| 湘西| 扎囊县| 夏津县| 河池市| 全州县| 玉龙| 沈阳市| 五指山市| 罗山县| 儋州市| 浦江县| 文昌市| 铁岭市| 达日县| 孟津县| 永清县| 柳州市| 应城市| 白山市| 满洲里市| 辛集市| 泽库县| 永登县| 临夏市| 津市市| 东山县| 确山县| 兴安盟| 深泽县| 邢台市| 思茅市| 玉屏| 凉城县| 洱源县| 天镇县| 襄城县| 千阳县| 邮箱|