
NMRW worm reducer

NMRW worm reducer

Product specifications:25~150
Transmission ratio:7.5~100
Input power:0.06~151kW
Output torque:2.6~2670N.m


VF worm gear reducer

Product specifications:49~63
Transmission ratio:5~100
Input power:0.12~1.5kW
Output torque:3.27~163.7N.m

Product Highlights

打勾icon.png High-quality aluminum alloy casting box, suitable for all-round universal installation configuration

打勾icon.png Full cooling ribs for excellent heat transfer performance

打勾icon.png 10 kinds of frame specifications from 025-150; transmission power range from 60W-15KW

打勾icon.png Wide range of speed ratios, with 12 reduction ratios from 5:1 to 100:1 per single stand

打勾icon.png Precision grinding of hardened gear drive worms with high efficiency and high output torque

打勾icon.png Low noise and smooth operation, suitable for long-term continuous operation in harsh environments

打勾icon.png Light weight and high mechanical strength

打勾icon.png The modular combination allows the PCRW and DRW to extend the transmission ratio of the RW reducer to: i=5--3200



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